The Polygraph in Airport Security: A Necessary Tool

The Polygraph in Airport Security: A Necessary Tool

The use of the polygraph at international airports in some countries like Israel and the U.S. is a preventive security measure that forms part of a broader approach to protect transportation systems against internal and external threats. In a world fraught with...

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Exclusion Criteria for Conducting Polygraph Tests

Exclusion Criteria for Conducting Polygraph Tests

Introduction Evaluating the credibility of testimony is a highly complex task that continually challenges the boundaries of psychology and forensic technology. Despite significant scientific advances in the field of forensic psychophysiology, polygraph tests, one of...

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The Truth about Polygraph

The Truth about Polygraph

Discover How the Polygraph Works: Scientific Technology at the Service of Truth 1.- Is the polygraph effective? Absolutely. The polygraph remains the most advanced scientific technology in credibility assessment (lie detection). Although lies cannot be detected or...

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Spanish Ministry of Interior and CEE, registered in the Spanish National Registry of Associations, Group 1, Section 1, National  #587829 in 2006, founded in 2003

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